Our Services
Screening Tests

Women's Health
It's important for women to have regular health checks that can detect the presence of precancerous lesions. Book your PAP smear with us today.

Full Blood Count
A full blood count measures the concentration of red cells, white cells and platelets in the blood. This common test can be used to identify a wide range of illnesses, infection, and diseases.

Men's Health
It's important for men to have regular health checks that can screen for the presence of cancerous and non-cancerous tissue in the prostate gland. Book your PSA test with us today.
Cerba Lancet Nigeria
Tests in the Catalogue
Number of Sites
Average Monthly Number of Tests
Average Monthly Number of Patients
Latest News

Blood Tests for Cancer
2025 Newsletters | 2025-02-03
Blood testing serves as a valuable tool for healthcare providers in diagnosing and managing cancer. Common
examples are: The Complete Blood Count and Tumor Markers. The results from these tests can offer crucial
insights into overall health, organ function, and the possibility of disease.
Cerba Lancet Nigeria Achieves New Heights with ISO 15189:2022 Accreditation
2025 Press Releases | 2025-01-28
We are proud to announce our recent accreditation to the ISO 15189:2022 standard. This prestigious recognition demonstrates our laboratory's unwavering commitment to delivering high-quality patient care and exceptional laboratory services.
Cervical Cancer Awareness Month
2025 Newsletters | 2025-01-20
The persistence of the infection caused by one or several of the so called high risk Human Papillomavirus (HPVHR),namely the HPV: 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66 and 68), associated with behavioral or host related cofactors, is necessary for CC to develop.
2024 Newsletters | 2024-12-04
Most HIV tests use a blood sample, either from a blood draw or a finger prick, but some use oral fluid or urine. Tests that use blood are even more accurate than other tests. Some test results are ready within 20 minutes, but others take a few days, depending on the type of test.